The delivery time is 5-7 working days after placing the order. If you place an order at the wrong address, you can change the address you ordered from 0242 338 22 42 before your order is shipped. You can access the status of your order by clicking the "Order Details" field in the "My Orders" section on the "My Account" page.
RETURN You can request a return to us, provided that the products have not been used within 15 days from the date of order. Open an online request by clicking the EASY RETURN button on the My Account-My Orders-Order Detail tab. Then, fill in the return section on your invoice completely and pack the product in a resalable condition with its original tags, packaging and original box. Send your return to us from the nearest ARAS KARGO branch with the free code "22208554551144". It is evaluated within the same day and an instruction is given to the bank. Depositing your refund amount to your card may differ depending on the bank, and AE PROJECT has no right to intervene in this process.